Praise God my brothers and sisters out their, more especially those who cherish the institution of marriage. Well come to Marriage Restoration Network Uganda. A ministry which is doing every thing possible in teaching the married couples to involve God in their marriage and base it on the principles of His word. Remember before other things like schools, governments and any other institution came to existence, God first instated marriage.
In genesis chapter 3:8a says that God used to visit man in the cool of the day. Because God is all knowing, compassionate and loving, He said it is not good for man to be alone. Genesis 2:18 NIV but I will make a helper suitable for him. God in His all knowing power made a woman not man for Adam. Genesis 2:22 NIV.
In genesis 2:18NIV, God is talking of making a suitable helper for Adam. The one who can suite his needs. Genesis 2:24 say that the only reason for a man to leave his father and mother is when he get married to a woman, and before her he can strip naked and not get ashamed. Verse 25.
What was God’s plan in this? God made male and female in His Image and likeness for them to have dominion over every thing on the earth, to be fruitful, multiply and replenish the earth. Genesis 1:26-28KJV. And to get an offspring which fears the Lord. Malachi 2:15b. The scriptures say that after this, He saw every thing He made and behold it was not just good, but very good including marriage. Genesis 1:31kjv. Emphasis added.
We saw in the word of God that He created man and woman in His Image and likeness to show the world who He is through marriage. God is love and love should be seen in marriage. God is compassionate, He expects us to have compassion towards your spouse. God is forgiving, and the world should see forgiveness in married couples more so if they are Christians. God is a provider and this should be seen in marriage. And many more you can think of concerning the Image of God and marriage.
The scriptures say that God designed and created marriage as a good thing. It is beautiful, priceless gift. He uses marriage to help us eliminate loneliness, multiply effectiveness, establish families, raise children, enjoy life and bless us with relational intimacy. But beyond this, marriage also shows us our need to grow and deal with our own issues and self centeredness through the help of a life long partner. If we are teachable, we will learn to do the two most important things in marriage- that is to love and to respect another imperfect person unconditionally. It is difficult, but it is life changing.
So from this background we see that God is so serious with marriage. Proverbs 18:22Niv says that “he who finds a wife finds what is good, and receives favor from the Lord”. The bible goes on to say that God hates divorce”. Malachi 2:15. So marriage is a serious matter in the eyes of the Lord. So let us return to God’s principles concerning marriage and put them into practice.
Now if marriage was started by the Almighty Lord, why are we seeing many problems in marriage, why the violence in marriage? And why the many divorces we see every minute around the world? The word of God in Hosea 4:6kjv says “my people are destroyed for luck of knowledge. Not because there is no knowledge, not because there are no things to teach, but because they have rejected knowledge. Emphasis added. Since the fall of Adam, people think they know what is best for them and that they don’t need God and can do what pleases them, meaning that they are independent and don’t need help. This is a lie from Satan and it has caused a lot of misery in the world. See what the word of the Lord says in proverbs 3:5-7kjv. “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6in all thy ways including marriage acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths. 7be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord and depart from evil”. Emphasis added.
Romans 1:21-23 talks clearly of people who profess to know God, but don’t glorify Him, and think that they are wise but turns out to be that they are fools. Even go to the extent of exchanging the things God made to suite them. Remember marriage pictures God’s Image here on earth and it for His glory not to be exchanged.
The bible teaches that marriage is for life, they teach that you can opt out whenever you fill like for this is you life.
The bible teaches that marriage is a covenant, but they say marriage is a contract.
The bible teaches that a man should marry a woman; they teach that you also have the right to marry your fellow man.
So my dear brothers and sisters who love the Lord and cherish the institution of marriage, knowing that we are the salt and light of the world Mathew 5:13-16, and that God choose us for a purpose, in His kingdom 1peter 2:9-10, let us join hands with Marriage Restoration Network Uganda to uproot, tear down, destroy and overthrow all imaginations, strong holds, bad habits bad cultures which are against the word of God and hinder many of us to enjoy the marriage God intended for us. And build and plant better habits, behaviors and cultures based on God’s word that glorify His name.
Let us encourage each other to mend our relationship with our creator, fellowship with Him knowing that marriage minus God have a lot of problems. Let us invite him to be our partner in our marriage. Come and help build the kingdom of God through marriage teachings. Be blessed of the Lord as you of this call.
Marriage restoration network Uganda is a none denominational group of people who have the burden of restoreling marriage to live according to God’s word.
They are married couples who go around the country to teach the married to allow God into their marriage.
They believe that marriage is divine and that marriage was started by God. They also believe that marriage is between man and woman. They also believe that man should have one wife and no mistresses, and the woman should also have one husband.
Marriage restoration network Uganda’s objective is to see married couple stay married, and to see that God is allowed in their marriage and to also allow Him to build their marriage. For the bible says that “unless God builds a house, those who build labour in vain in this case unless He builds your marriage, you only have straggles all the time.
They want to see that those who intend to marry should know that marriage is for a life long commitment and not for a few years. And that marriage is a covenant and not a contract.
They also want to see that the church teaches the married to realize this and offer them help. That is why the M.R.N.U. go around the country conducting marriage seminars, helping them renew their marriage vows and also help them realize that it is God’s will for them to stay married.
M.R.N.U. is doing this for in this country, many men mistreat their wives, and some times kill them. Also a few of the women kill their husbands; there are a lot of divorces in this country and even in the church
Restoring marriages to the original setting by God from the cultural setting.
To uproot, tear down, destroy and over throw every belief that stands against God’s plan
for marriage, and to build and to plant God’s plan for marriage. (Jer. 1:10)
Marriage Restoration Network Uganda is a Christian ministry seeking to;
Help couples around Uganda and the world over to restore, promote and strengthen their marriages as God intended.
To build Christ centered homes/ marriages and maintain God’s design for marriage.
To offer marriage seminars and related activities to address the most pressing challenges facing marriages, to help the married couples and their families grow in their relationships with each other, with God and the church in Uganda, Africa and the world.
To combine Christian values and practical methods to improve communication between husband and wife.
To teach couples to focus on each other freely from distraction of every day life through seminars, workshops, conferences and counseling programmes.
To encourage and help the married examine their marriages and discuss feelings, joy, disappointments and hopes through daily dialogue.
Marriage Restoration Network Uganda is for couples who value marriage between man and woman and would like a good marriage and wants to make it better.
To teach the couples to base their marriages on Biblical principles.
To create the basic unit for Kingdom purpose. Mal. 2:15, Gen. 1:28.
To teach the couples to love each other as quoted in Eph. 5:22-33.
To promote and encourage the unwedded couples to have holy matrimony.
To allow couples to renew their commitment to God, their spouses and families in a positive and personal manner by allowing couples to explore these new learned teachings in the privacy of their homes.
To teach couples to practice openness and honesty between themselves.
To teach couples to learn to spend quality time with each other, something lacking in most marriages today.
To teach couples to take and understand a Biblical view point of “A man shall live his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.) Gen. 2:24.
To teach the couples the skills to better their communication with each other therefore building a stronger union.
To strengthen marriages by educating couples practical methods of communication and renewing their commitment to their marriages to ensure a decrease in divorce that God hates as written in Mal. 2:16.
To build and maintain the momentum of marriage programmes as designed by God.
So that is our mission and we request you to stand by us in prayers so that God can give us the strength, for breaking these cultural beliefs is very had. For most of them have been here for ages. Thing like when a brother dies, a brother takes over the widow, or if the brother had two, he can inherit all of them no matter what the brother died of. They also say that a man is the owner of the home and that the woman has no say in family matters. Some sell the family land and run away leaving the wife and children suffer leading some of the children run to the streets of the towns.
That is the work we have here and we need your help in terms of teaching materials and if possible in future to come and teach in these seminars.
Thanks and on behalf of M.R.N.U, I say be blessed as you work for the Almighty Lord and savior Jesus Christ.
The people who coordinates the ministry.
Pastor Moses Kerejji Leader
Mrs. Ruth Kerejji
Mr. Tom Mugoya finance
Mrs. Frida Mugoya
Mr. Godfrey Ouma Publicity
Mrs. Sarah Ouma
Mr. Festo Gooloba Testimony Coordinator
Mrs. Margaret Gooloba
Pastor Bukenya Jonathan Central Region Coordinator
Mrs. Bukenya Teddy
Pastor John Mafabi Western Region Coordinator
Mrs. R. Mafia
Pastor Samuel Kato Eastern Region Coordinator
Mrs. Mary Kato Elder Mike and Teddy Etwalu are prayer coordinators.
Pastor Richard Masembe Northern Region Coordinator
Mr. Roland and Mrs. Judith Biber in Canada International Coordinators
M.R.N.U 28777