Will You Join
Hands With Us? Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to
him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself
ready. Revelation 19:7.
These days
there is a debate going on around the world about sexuality and where men are
allowed to get married. God designed
sexual expression to unite a man and a woman in marriage and to represent the
union of Christ and His Bride, The Church.
Now, more
than ever, the Church must be clear on understanding and proclaiming that
truth, with boldness and grace.
For decades
now, we've watched many prominent people and even mainline denominations
discuss and argue about what the Bible says about marriage and sexuality, to
the point where some now embrace and celebrate same-sex marriage.
Even though
some in the Church are faltering, Marriage Restoration Network Uganda remains
dedicated to teaching the true word of God and affirming God's design for
marriage and sexuality. We're committed to teaching and equipping this
generation and the next about God's sacred plan for marriage and family. Yet we
can't do it alone, we need all of you who think marriage is between a man and
woman to join us in this fight by helping us reach many places. Remember what
the bible says in Ecclesiastes 4:12 “And if one prevail against him, two shall
withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” If you stand with
us, we can accomplish much and the name of the Lord will be glorified.
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