Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Important Church Celebrations: Marriage

Important Church Celebrations: Marriage
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her.
Ephesians 5:25 
When Jesus returned to heaven, He left behind one institution to continue His Gospel work—His church. He didn’t establish a university, a hospital, or an orphanage. He just left His church. Other wonderful ministries have sprung out of His church—like universities, missions organizations, and hospitals. But at the core of it all is His special group of people, the local church. This is where life happens. This is where babies are dedicated, where baptisms are witnessed, and where marriages are established.

Many Christians still pledge their wedding vows in the chapels and sanctuaries of our church buildings. Even when the wedding is elsewhere, the local church plays an important role in providing a spiritual foundation for the couple as they begin their marriage. Couples need spiritual underpinning to their homes. They need a local church.
Paul wrote his great passage about marriage to the local church at Ephesus. He knew that was where the teaching would take root—within the context of a church. To be stronger in your marriage, get involved in a God-honoring and Bible-teaching church in your community.
The Bible begins with a wedding and it ends with a wedding . . . . Christ performed his first miracle at a wedding, thereby sanctifying it.

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